Camper Blues
a film by Robert Ralston
Switzerland 2020; 87′; o.v. Italian; sbt. French, German
Festivals & Prizes
56th Solothurner Filmtage, 2021
34th Castellinaria Festival del cinema giovane Bellinzona 2021
Dino, a separated father with serious financial and management problems in his own life, breaks into the life of Leo, a successful cartoonist, phobic, antisocial and neurotic, after more than 30 years, disrupting the everyday life he still shares with his grandmother Rina and his brilliant best friend Wanda. Old grudges never dormant, unlikely characters, lies and daring situations will irreparably distort their lives. Christmas arrives and an innocent lie by Dino’s son will once again turn the situation upside down.
Nothing will ever be the same again…
Leonardo Lidi, Luca Di Giovanni, Milena Vukotić, Anna Bellato, Heidi Maria Glössner, Roberta Mengozzi, Brenno Cavadini, Igor Horvat, Vito Gravante, Jasmin Mattei and Sarah Lerch
Directed by:
Robert Ralston
Assistant Director:
Giorgia de Coppi
Tiziana Soudani, Gabriella De Gara, Michela Pini for Amka Films Productions
Alessandro Marcionni, Walter Bortolotti for RSI Radiotelevisione svizzera
With the support of:
Repubblica and Cantone Ticino
FilmPlus Fund of Southern Switzerland
Ticino Film Commission