un documentaire de Valentina Cicogna et Mattia Colombo Italie; Suisse; Suède; 2023; 93’/52′; v.o. italien, anglais; st. anglais
Festivals & Prizes
19ème Biografilm, Bologna 2023 – Prix du Pulic, Compétition Internationale
Chaque nuit, des corps sans nom atterrissent dans la salle d’autopsie du Dr Cristina Cattaneo. Elle les appelle Inconnus purs. Ce sont des sans-abri, des prostituées, des adolescents en fuite. Ces derniers temps, il s’agit surtout de migrants, rejetés par la mer Méditerranée sur les côtes italiennes. Si tous les droits appartiennent aux vivants, rien n’est laissé aux morts. Alors que se passe-t-il quand les morts ont perdu leur identité? Face à cette multitude grandissante, personne ne semble se préoccuper de leur droit à la dignité.
Personne sauf Cristina.
- Pure Unknown is the kind of social issue film that always attracts an audience (…) and deservedly so in the case of this empathetic work.(POV)
- Directed with a welcome restraint, Pure Unknown is a documentary of great strength that looks at a common responsibility and at what, at a time of racist dehumanization, constitutes us.” (Le Polyester)
- The magic which gave life to Pure Unknown isn’t just the result of Valentina Cicogna and Mattia Colombo joining forces, it’s also thanks to the relationship between the two directors and forensic anthropologist Cristina Cattaneo, who’s a professor at the University of Milan where she heads up the Medical-Legal Labanof Institute. Both incredibly determined and full of empathy, Cattaneo is a genuinely unique character. (Cineuropa)
- Colombo and Cicogna’s film helps amplify her voice and makes a quiet but compelling case for action. (Eye for Film)
Valentina Cicogna, Mattia ColomboProduction:
Jump Cut (IT)Co-Production:
Amka Films Production (CH), Sisyfos Film Production (SE), RSI Radiotelevisione Svizzera (CH)