Film Title

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Press Kit

Film Title

A documentary film by Mohammed Soudani Switzerland.

Ivory Coast, France;  end of post-production 2nd quarter 2021; 90′; o.v. French, English, Portuguese; sbt. French


A trip of discovery a modern Africa whose protagonist is the woman. From Ghana to Senegal, from Rwanda to Mozambique, via Kenya, Ivory Coast and Burundi, Mohammed Soudani met extraordinary women who excel in fields as diverse as the fish market, cosmetics, solidarity, nature and animal protection and much more. Listening to these sweet but determined women, watching them at work, admiring their vision and seeing how much they love what they do, we understand that the future of Africa belongs to them.



Directed by:

Mohammed Soudani, Mohammed Soudani, Mohammed Soudani,Mohammed Soudani


Mohammed Soudani, Mohammed Soudani, Mohammed Soudani,Mohammed Soudani

Swiss distributor:

Mohammed Soudani, Mohammed Soudani, Mohammed Soudani,Mohammed Soudani

International sales:

Mohammed Soudani, Mohammed Soudani, Mohammed Soudani,Mohammed Soudani

HD Pictures